AAPA Industry Recognized Port Certificate: Applications Due July 28

Registration is open for the Fall 2020 Industry Recognized Port Certificate (IRPC) program. Established in 2019, the IRPC program delivers a comprehensive understanding of the public port industry with a focus of developing the needs of the maritime workforce in a relatively short (six month) period of time. AAPA currently offers two IRPC Certificates – Fundamentals in Port Management and Maritime Cyber Security.
Achieving the IRPC Fundamentals in Port Management requires completing the fully online, eight-week course “Introduction to Port and Terminal Management” offered by Lamar University’s Center for Port Management from August 18 to October 12. Applications are due July 28.
The IRPC Maritime Cyber Security Certificate requires participation in the upcoming AAPA Anywhere: Port Security Seminar & Expo July 13-17. Register by July 1 to receive a $50 discount. For more information about the IRPC program, contact Andrew Cameron at AAPA.