AAPA’s Meredith Martino Takes Position as Executive Director of Women in Government

After 17 years of dedicated service to AAPA, Meredith Martino, Vice President of Membership and Sponsorship is moving on to a new position as the Executive Director of the Women in Government Foundation, Inc. (WIG) – a not-for-profit organization supporting state legislators. WIG is comprised of women state legislators and provides leadership opportunities, expert forums and educational resources to help support complex policy issues of its membership.

Meredith began her career at AAPA as Manager of Government Relations and is probably the “only ever” staff person who has spent time in every department of the association. Her breadth of experience and enthusiasm for our members, dedication to change management, and her overall knowledge of the industry has been invaluable.

Over the last several years with her promotion to Vice President, Meredith has leant her institutional knowledge of the industry to the association as it evolved and she was a critical force behind many of the major new initiatives that helped to usher AAPA into a new era. She was instrumental in revamping the membership department, revising AAPA’s governance structure, setting up and launching the AAPA Premier Sponsorship Program, managing the sale of the AAPA offices at 1010 Duke Street and leasing new office space at 1201 Maryland Avenue, SW, to name a few. If you are planning to attend the Annual Convention in Austin, you should know that her fingerprints are all over the new format and updated model for AAPA’s most important business meeting of the year (another important reason to attend)!

We are sad to see her go, but excited to watch Meredith leverage her AAPA experience into this new and exciting role. We know she will continue to stay connected to the port industry tangentially as she expands transportation issues within the Women in Government Foundation. It will be wonderful to have another AAPA ambassador outside of the association sharing the value of seaports in other realms. Meredith’s last day with the AAPA is July 23, if you want to reach out and wish her a fond farewell.

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