New Dates Confirmed for Finance Seminar

The AAPA Finance & Administration Seminar has been rescheduled, and the new dates are November 8-10, 2022. Anyone previously registered need not re-register. The seminar will take place at the same hotel, the Astor Crowe Plaza in New Orleans, La., and those with a confirmed hotel reservation will automatically transfer to the new dates accordingly. Registrants unable to attend in November should contact AAPA’s Imani Poindexter.

AAPA’s Finance & Administration Seminar along with all 2022 Education and Training Programs provide outstanding value and opportunities for members and the maritime community to gain education and elevate their careers. Special forums provide port leaders the chance to discuss, collaborate and resolve challenges relevant to their ports.

Interested in increasing exposure of your brand among the port industry and federal government leaders? High-visibility sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available for all 2022 seminars and events.

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