Free Emergency Response Event

Join The Port of Virginia for the 1st Port Authority Emergency Response Summit to convene November 16-17, 2023.

Over the past three years, our nation’s ports have experienced a rash of vessel fires that have resulted in firefighter injuries, firefighter fatalities, and total loss of at least four vessels. Due to these recent events, the summit will provide panel discussions reviewing best practices related to coordination of emergency response, recent incidents, and issues related to Electric Vehicle and Lithium Ion Batteries.

Ports are encouraged to extend the invitation to a representative within the response community who provides response capabilities to their particular port. The agenda will include an onsite visit to a vessel to demonstrate shipboard firefighting training scenarios. The summit will have a focus on marine firefighting, but it will cover all hazard events.

Register for this FREE event, hosted by the Port of Virginia, along with the support of AAPA. Book your hotel room at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott on or before October 15, to guarantee the group rate.

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