On the Front Lines: COVID-19 Response

The port’s Sandra Cruz and Jessika Viveros; Oxnard Harbor District Commissioner Celina Zacarias; Port Hueneme Mayor Laura Hernandez; the port’s Drew Rodriguez and Miguel Rodriguez

The Port of Hueneme and local community partners Clinicas Del Camino Real, Lujan Transport Inc., Port customer Del Monte and more, as part of the Feeding the Frontline, Feeding our Farmworkers effort, have hosted 20 food distributions across the county of Ventura to help address food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Montreal Port Authority and Port of Windsor have been named Marine Industry Trusted Partners for COVID-19 by the Chamber of Marine Commerce for implementing the full spectrum of preventative measures and best practices to protect port staff, ship crews, customers, service providers and the public from risks posed by the pandemic. Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) extends its gratitude to the world’s seafarers and acknowledges the critical role they play in global trade, especially during this unprecedented pandemic. PRPA has developed a safe method to offer breaks to crew aboard the ships at anchor in Prince Rupert Harbour, allowing them to come ashore, where PRPA staff set up tents, a grill, food and other supplies for them to use. 

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