Join Our Upcoming Webinars: Aug. 12, 19, 28

LTE and 5G as the Wireless Foundation for Digitalization to Boost Productivity of Ports and Terminals
Sponsored by Nokia of America Corporations
Wednesday, August 12 | 2:00 p.m. EDT
Communications technologies, particularly wireless, play a key role in the digital transformation of terminal operations. Private wireless networks are key to unlocking new productivity gains. The strongest candidates for wireless communications of the future all-digital terminal are the 3GPP mobile technologies, LTE and 5G. This webinar will discuss how reliable and broad coverage in port areas as well as new automation services can be enabled, details on LTE/5G as enabling technologies, and real life deployment examples and benefits being realized.
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Gain Immediate Transparency into Your Port Spending
Sponsored by Sap Concur
Wednesday, August 19 | 2:00 P.M. EDT
This webinar with SAP Concur will provide an overview of travel and accounts payable automation solutions for your port. The presentation centers on understanding and managing your port expenditures with a single platform that captures employee spend, when and how it happens, and how SAP Concur utilizes a single connected platform to increase compliance and transparency.
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All About Shore Power (Alternative Marine Power)
Sponsored by Cavotec
Tuesday, August 28 | 2:00 p.m. EDT
Want a better understanding of shore power, also known as Alternative Marine Power (AMP)? This hour-long webinar will cover key design elements that will drive your AMP solution, options to solve your particular AMP application and examine several case studies. In addition, former chief of electrical design for the Port of Los Angles, who led and delivered the $180 million AMP power connection program for 26 berths within the port, will discuss the challenges facing today’s port operators and engineers. Register now

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