AAPA Endorses Klobuchar-Thune (Senate) Ocean Shipping Bill
On Feb. 14, AAPA endorsed the Klobuchar-Thune bill on Ocean Shipping (S.3580) after months of work with both Senators’ staffs and with approval from the Association’s Legislative Policy Council. The Klobuchar-Thune bill would increase Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) enforcement of ocean shipping rules while preserving the crucial freight ‘fluidity charges’ that prompt cargo owners to keep their goods from piling up on severely limited terminal space. The Klobuchar-Thune bill also effectively exempts ports and terminals from onerous regulatory requirements that would affect terminal fluidity. AAPA has assurances from the lead Senate bill sponsors that the exemptions for ports and terminals will remain protected through the remaining legislative process. AAPA’s press release on the topic can be accessed here.