Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan to Speak at Legislative Summit: Now, We Build!

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan will speak at the AAPA Legislative Summit: Now, We Build! at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, D.C., from March 29-31, 2022. Governor Hogan will share his perspective on implementing the recently passed federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the economic impacts of infrastructure stimulus. Maintaining one of the highest job approval ratings in the country, Governor Hogan is recognized nationally as a strong, independent leader who consistently leads on common sense solutions to deliver bipartisan results. This is a must-attend event for anyone interested in making big waves in seaports and maritime policy on Capitol Hill. AAPA’s Legislative Summit: Now, We Build! will spotlight a host of Federal policy and government discussions, include major Federal updates and a fly-in day on Capitol Hill, and feature several prominent guest speakers. Register for the event here.

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