AAPA Government Relations Highlights, Dec. 2

November was a busy month for AAPA’s Government Relations team, with the federal enactment of the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, the passage of the Build Back Better Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, and new federal legislation in the works, as well as plans for upcoming events in San Diego and Tampa. For awareness, the current Continuing Resolution Act (CRA), which funds all federal agencies, will expire on December 3. Negotiations are presently ongoing regarding the length of another CRA. Neither political party has expressed a willingness to let the government shut down. Full FY 2022 appropriations are not anticipated to be enacted until January 2022, at the earliest.

Cary Davis, AAPA’s vice president of government relations and general counsel, will speak on next steps and advocacy efforts at the AAPA Commissioners Seminar, December 7-9, in San Diego, Calif. This event provides timely, relevant insights from experts, exclusive networking with colleagues and educational opportunities. Program topics will offer an outlook on global economic trends, insights into alternative energy, and guidance on legal responsibilities of port governing boards. Spots are still available. Register today.

Hear directly from John Porcari, U.S. port envoy to the White House, on how the federal government is addressing supply chain bottlenecks and intermodal cooperation at the AAPA Shifting Trade Seminar in Tampa, Fla., January 25-27. Port executives and industry leaders from across the region are encouraged to attend. Register here.

Chris Connor, president and CEO of AAPA, appeared on MSNBC’s José Díaz-Balart Reports on November 24, where he discussed supply chain challenges and what can be done to mitigate and stop them. Check out the interview here.

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