
Technology Tackles Security Imperative

In separate interviews with AAPA Seaports Magazine, executives of leading suppliers of port security technology – each an exhibitor at the American Association of Port Authorities’ Port Security Seminar and Exposition held July 18-19, 2012, in Miami – shared their insights on the current and future roles of high-tech solutions to the port security imperative. Non-Intrusive, Quick, Accurate Cargo Inspections ...

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Strong Seaports – Teaming Up to Step Up Safety and Security

By Lori Musser Interim Editor AAPA Seaports Magazine Twentieth century window-dressing style port security efforts have gradually given way to thorough,thoughtfully designed and vigorous seaport situational awareness command and control programs. But not without a struggle. And the work to cultivate strong seaports continues. The work has been made more difficult by the evolving definition of a safe and secure ...

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